How to see physiognomy

hello! For those of you who are interested in contemplation, today we will learn more about ‘how to see contemplation’. Physiognomy is the art of inferring another person’s personality and future through the shape and wrinkles of the face and other surrounding features. In this article, I will explain how to read physiognomy, what characteristics to look out for, and share some physiognomy tips.


1. Basic principles of contemplation

In order to see contemplation, you need to understand some basic principles. Contemplation considers the following factors:

  • Main features of the face: Look at the main parts of the face, including the eyes, nose, mouth, and forehead.
  • Wrinkles and freckles: Carefully observe the location, shape, and depth of wrinkles and freckles on the face.
  • Eyebrows and eye corners: Analyze eyebrow length, shape, and eye corner location.
  • Facial asymmetry: Notice how the left and right sides of the face are different.

2. Main coronary points

There are several important points in looking at physiognomy.

  • Eye size and shape: Eyes provide a lot of information. Check the size, spacing, and position of the pupils.
  • Mouth shape: Mouth shape is an important indicator of personality and attitude.
  • Forehead and forehead wrinkles: Forehead wrinkles indicate intellectual ability and experience.

3. Tips and precautions

Keep these tips in mind while viewing:

  • Don’t judge by statistics: physiognomy is an art, so not all rules are strictly followed.
  • Interpret flexibly according to the situation: People’s faces change over time, so pay attention when observing.
  • Find reliable resources: If you want to study physiognomy, consult reliable books or online resources.


Physiognomy is an art with a long history and tradition, and is one of the fun ways to predict the future through people’s faces. Contemplation is a skill that can be developed through study, and in fact, it is one of the hobbies that many people enjoy. I hope this article helped you get started with contemplation. thank you!

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